When to post on Facebook

If you use Facebook as part of your marketing, the day and time of day that you post have a huge impact on your post being seen by your audience.

They say you have 3 seconds to grab someone’s attention on Facebook and stop them from scrolling on. There are lots of elements to help your post get seen such as content, design, groups and stories (see our blog posts for more on that).

The day and time you post is as important as the content itself!

It’s important to think and WHEN your audience have time to be on Facebook… think about their average day…

Get up, get ready, get the kids ready, walk the dog, make breakfast, clean the kitchen, school run then off to work… full day at work – maybe they’ll have time on their dinner to check Facebook?

…then it’s back to work for the afternoon, followed by school run, tea time, walk the dog, bath time, bed time, clean the house…

By the time they have time to themselves it’s usually later in the evening

See our guide on the ideal days and times to post.

This is to be used as a guide only and will differ depending on your business and your audience.

If you’re just starting out, we recommend that you use these guides but make sure you check your Facebook Insights every month or so (see our other blog posts for how to do this) to see what days and times are working for you and tweak your scheduling accordingly.


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